व्यक्तिगत मागपत्र प्रमाणीकरण प्रक्रिया

Individual Demand Attestation Procedures

Please send the following documents and information from your official email to the Embassy"s following email after obtaining work permit approval (Mazunia) from the Ministry of Labour of Oman

Official email for demand attestation and labour matters : eonmuscatlabour@mofa.gov.np

Documents to be attached in the email:

  1. Work Permit Approval (Mazunia) (Open this link for sample)

  2. Employment Contract: Attested from Chamber of Commerce and Industry OR Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oman (Open this link for sample)

  3. Offer Letter- attested from Chamber of Commerce and Industry OR the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oman (Open this link for sample) (Offer letter-word file)

  4. Application for Guarantee and Undertaking addressed to the Embassy of Nepal (Open this link for sample)

  5. Copy of Employment Visa of the workers

  6. Copy of Passport of the workers

  7. Copy of the Sponsor"s ID/Residence Permit

  8. Copy of Commercial Registration (CR) of Oman

    (Open this link for sample)

  9. Proof of selection/communication

  10. Relationship Certification attested by the Consular Services Department, in case of relatives OR Old ID card

    OR employment contract, in case of returned workers OR Proof of transfer to Oman if transferred from other countries OR Multinational companies or Request letter from the Government authorities of Oman or foreign Diplomatic Missions (Any one of them)

10. Life Insurance and Medical Insurance Certificates

Note the following important information:

  1. Labour Wing will check the documents and send comments or approval for further process within one working day. After receiving complete set of documents and information the Labour Attache will fix the appointment date and time for the attestation of original documents.

  2. Generally, documents will be attested and handed over within half an hour if the documents received by email are verified and appointment is fixed.

  3. Minimum Salary must be as per the following link: Open this link

  4. If in case you do not receive response of your email within one working day, directly call to Labour Attache Tel: +968 24696177; +968 24696883 or 71592506 during office hours.

  5. Labour Attache may request for interview or additional documents, field visit or may request to provide the contact and other details as pre Demand Attestation Guidelines, 2075 of Nepali workers who are currently working in the company